Posts Tagged ‘holistic feline treatment’
Feline Treatment – Holisitic and Traditional Cat Care
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Feline Treatment at Home – Natural / Holistic and Conventional Cat Treatment Options
Feline treatment with more natural, holistic methods at home is growing in appeal, much like the heightened interest in providing for our own health issues in a more whole-body, non-drug manner.
Through the past decades, most cats have managed to sustain good health with fairly minimal maintenance, even as they advanced through their senior years. But alarms have been raised in the past several years of noticeable increases in instances of more serious and more unusual illnesses for well-nurtured domestic cats.
With such troublesome news, and perhaps augmented with personal experience, many cat guardians are alert and educating themselves now to adopt some of the more natural, holistic means to provide sound and safe health regimens and holistic feline treatments for their cat residents.
While serious cat illnesses and diseases are best treated with veterinary supervision, many feline ailments and conditions can and are being treated successfully and safely with home remedies and natural cat care treatments at home. Both comfort to the cats and savings on ever-escalating vet bills are benefits, along with avoiding some of the more toxic ramifications that seem more and more prevalent.
Natural feline treatment includes holistic methods such as proper nutrition, good cat vitamins and cat supplements, natural food recipes, color and crystal therapies, use of certain oils and herbs, homeopathic tinctures, different types of body manipulation techniques and an overall view of environment and living conditions. All of these non-drug cat treatment options have been reported to be effective in varying degrees in restoring cats to health from certain illnesses. Natural feline treatment remedies are so valued, since they work not only for the specific cat health problem, but they can also foster improvement for other overall health aspects. Most holistic forms of feline treatment seek to heal the entire entity, along with the underlying causes, not just specific conditions.
Please note again, that treatment of serious cat illnesses is not recommended without veterinary supervision. And while it may be difficult to find veterinarians that practice or incorporate any natural or holistic treatments in their practice, it is highly recommended to consult with your trusted pet’s doctor about any harm that might be done through use of any of the holistic treatments or substances you may wish to utilize at home based on your research. Sometimes, certain conventional drugs or therapies may conflict seriously with seemingly benign and simple home-type remedies. Many seemingly ‘safe’ treatments from our home medicine cabinets, that we may use for our own afflications, may be highly toxic and even lethal for our feline friends and other pets. Even some of our own food can be toxic and even lethal for our cats, dogs and other domestic pets.
There are many benefits derived from using “Mother Nature’s’ provisions to aid and heal our own health as well as our special furry companions, but all should be done with caution, due care and informed diligence. Fortunately, there is more and more information and research being provided, but we must take care to assure we have reliable sources and understanding with proper follow up with professional medical guidance as needed.
Natural remedies are often prized as adjuncts to modern, traditional medical treatments. At other times, holistic remedies are preferred over conventional. Some non-drug complementary treatments such as massage, acupressure, Bach Flower Remedies, Reiki, faith-healing, prayer, crystal and color therapy are usually safe when conscientiously administered.
Unless you know what you are using and have researched thoroughly the proper application of any natural cat health remedies and any possible consequences, do not proceed to treat your cat! Improper use of any substance, commercial or natural, can kill your feline friend! Again, consultation with your trusted pet’s health practitioner is advised. “Natural” is not always necessarily safe.
This resource strives to share sound information based upon diligent research, personal experience over the years here in our private sanctuary as well as from other trusted sources. The source of information may not always be remembered or available, as is often the case with knowledge or experience gained over time. But there will never, knowingly, be any ‘gossip’ or ‘fad’ or outright misinformation provided, but rather a sharing of what we have learned or used with success in our own circumstances. We aim to cover the old, the new and potential, both traditional and holistic.
You must still perform your own due diligence and determine what is right for your own circumstances and for your precious home companions. We need to be mindful of the treatments and medications we receive via our own traditional treatments. Respecting the potency yet potential harmful effects of some ‘natural’ remedies is of no less import.
Please be wary and do not take as’ gospel’ what you may find on many forums and sites. There are many wrong and outright harmful ‘recommendations’ made and ‘home remedies’ touted in countless public forums.
Simply, never assume that anything that you can safely use to treat yourself is equally safe to use for your cats or other domestic animals. There are differences in metabolic processes and abilities of systems to process a variety of substances that may seem safe …including many types of food stuffs for that matter. Arming ourselves with good resources of information will go far in helping us make wise decisions that can help us treat many afflictions our pets may encounter and help us to provide comfort, relief and healing at home…where we all prefer to recover.
DO NOT DELAY! Seek IMMEDIATE LOCAL HELP From Your Medical Practitioners!
ANY SIGNS of DISTRESS, PAIN or ILLNESS should be given IMMEDIATE ATTENTION by your trusted Vet or Emergency Facility. MINUTES CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE! |
There may well be some holistic remedies that can be used to treat your cat’s problem(s), but get the necessary professional treatment first and the diagnosis. Then move on to find feline treatment options that may complement traditional cat care and means of recovery for this diagnosis.
Any unusual behavior that appears suddenly or that you realize has been repeated …Any symptoms of pain, distress or anything out of character for your special cat or other animals should be attended by your trusted Veterinarian or an Emergency Facility if your vet isn’t available.
Learning Modes of Feline Treatment Together – Sharing the Wisdom
Your own experiences of what has worked, what has not, what you have found important to avoid or wise to pursue …your special input is valued and invited here.
Please share your tested strategies, your personal efforts, your triumphs and your defeats.
As like-minded community, we can do much to share and help one another, provide support, wise counsel and sound information, while slaying misinformation that is so prevalent out there, hard-dying myths, outdated ideas, practices, routines and attitudes, and hopefully, together, we can help others make sound, good decisions for their cats and other domestic companions. Cats and their human companions everywhere will benefit.
Prevention is the Best Feline Treatment
Prevention is always superior to a cure, for our cats, dogs and pets as well as for ourselves. Some sound and simple preventive feline treatment routines include:
- practice simple, good hygiene
- feed a proper, by-product and additive free diet of high quality protein balanced with other nutrients essential specifically to felines
- don’t overfeed
- observe and know your cat and its normal state of being and habits
- provide proper medical attention when warranted…don’t take chances!
‘If you don’t know –Go!’ (to the vet)

TLC and affection – special types of feline treatment – add to the perfect ‘recipe’ for good health and a happy life for you and your furry cuddle.
Add to this recipe, lots of love and TLC for your feline friend, and you couldn’t ask for or order any better feline treatment or care to take you and your beloved cat into your senior years together. Two shared lifetimes, filled with love, amusement and that special bond that all loving hearts well understand.
Proper Care and Feline Treatment Applications for your cat can provide you both continued love, joy and amusement for years to come!
For additional and more in depth information on feline treatment, worms treatment, feline renal issues and other cat health and behavior problems, you may also wish to visit our website: and Purr-use our additional help!
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