“This website” refers to this web domain (felinetreatment.net).
This notice serves to comply with the FTC (per FTC 16 CFR Part 255) to inform you that a material connection exists between this website and the products, services or companies highlighted here.
All offered products or services listed on this website and related information are provided to assist you in locating helpful resources and great deals for the care of your feline family and friends. While no specific recommendations or outright endorsements are made here, unless duly noted, we have provided our readers links to these cat care products and items for quick access convenience, which may also serve to help support our time and efforts in providing this service. If you purchase products or services via these links, we may receive a commission for referring you through affiliate relationships with the respective providers, which will help to keep this educational site ongoing and help to support in a very appreciated way our ongoing rescue work and hospice efforts for needy felines who find their way to our sanctuary. Your vote of appreciation, confidence and support in such manner is deeply appreciated … for which we Thank You from the Heart on behalf of our rescued sweethearts – and will serve to help us seek to provide for even more of those desperate and homeless yet to come!
We do NOT receive ANY compensation for presenting the information about any cat products, services or companies we have researched or presented here in our online store or convenient clickable links. All information has been provided in good faith and every effort has been expended to provide true and accurate statements in regard to any product or services mentioned by this website.
All information in this website is offered AS IS with no guarantee. Before entering into any agreement or purchasing any cat service or product from the third parties linked in this website, you should do your own research and exercise due diligence, as should be customary with any purchase anywhere.
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As an entity of integrity, Feline Treatment will only suggest products that we believe are of a high standard and could help you or your personal needs or business in accordance with the issues discussed on this website.
We hope our efforts here will help you discover helpful cat care and feline treatment oriented solutions you need to help with the care and nurture of your cats with far less effort on your part — and as a result delight in the additional ‘rescued’ time and peace of mind you have gained to enjoy with your healthier, happier cat companions!